The Water Trust has identified priority streams and reaches where efforts are to be focused, based on fish and habitat surveys performed by biologists with the Siskiyou Resource Conservation District and the California Dept. of Fish and Game. These areas have good quality habitat, such as streamside (riparian) vegetation, cool water, and clean gravels and pools.
Our present priority streams for summer rearing habitat of juvenile salmon and steelhead in the Scott Valley are:
Shackleford Creek and its Mill Creek tributary
French Creek and its Miner’s Creek tributary
Patterson Creek (west) - upper
South Fork Scott River
East Fork Scott River
Sugar Creek
Mainstem Scott River
In the fall months, our focus is on the mainstem Scott River to improve upstream flow access for spawning fall Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and steelhead trout. Stockwater is the primary water use after irrigation season. Leasing policies establish how the Water Trust will proceed with each transaction, which is accomplished through a forbearance agreement signed by both parties. See location maps for each year’s leases.
Water rights have been clearly identified in the Scott Valley's three adjudications. We work closely with the Watermaster for measuring potential and existing water leases on French and Shackleford Creeks. Monitoring is performed to evaluate physical and biological changes resulting from the water leases, with annual reports summarizing the results.
Click the links below for more information and reports!
In early 2015, the Water Trust expanded our focus and mission into the area of Scott Valley groundwater. The intent of this expansion is to assist with the development, education and research of the Scott Valley aquifer and to help gain a better understanding of various groundwater characteristics. The Trust is working with the Scott Valley Groundwater Advisory Committee, U.C. Davis, Siskiyou RCD and Scott Valley community to further these understandings, and we also plan to assist Siskiyou County with the development of the Scott River Basin’s SGMA requirements over the next several years.
More information regarding groundwater efforts will be made available as progress develops. Until then, please browse the links below for more information regard groundwater research and progress in the Scott River Basin.